Flash Fiction: Buttons & Safety Pins

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PHOTO PROMPT © Jean L. Hays for Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers. Other stories featuring the prompt can be found here.


“As cute as a button” her husband would say as she frantically whizzed around. Always running late. Never wore a watch even when they were in fashion. Why bother? Her mobile phone acted as her nagger – if she could find the damn thing amongst the chaos.

Black, she needed to wear black.

Don’t think about anything else.

Her mind paralysed with pins and needles. She pulled out the black coat from the pile of clothes on the bed. What were the red and grey items of clothing doing out? What’s the time? Where’s the phone?

Tears sprayed down her cheeks. Dave, her safety pin, now with the angels.



  1. Oh, that’s heart-breaking! Struggling to be punctual for Dave’s funeral because he’s no longer there to help her organise her life. You’ve written a wonderful metaphor for the way grief can shatter the ways we do things.

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    1. Thankfully I have never been there to this extreme. It would be devastating. I couldn’t imagine anything worse in terms of normal life stuff. Hope your day went well – all things considered?

      Thanks D!

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  2. My goodness, how poignant! Wonderfully tearful story written exceptionally well, This is a good idea how to think of a loved one. He or She was a safety pin in people’s lives which will never be the same again. Nice going!

    Liked by 1 person

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