Flash Fiction: Phoenix Cage

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PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll for Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers. Other stories featuring the prompt can be found here.

Note: Again this week, a little stand-alone flash fiction set in my on-going story world. 

Cages. You’d think they would come up with something a little more inventive after all these years. A clipped wing or something. Oh well, they can’t keep me locked up forever and when I get out, and I will, it’ll be time to blow some arses. Should be fun. Show them what an original phoenix can do. Bet these punks have only ever encouraged diluted blood, generations too young, Atlantis a mare whisper. Stuff legends are made of.

These restraints, laughable. The bars will melt like a candle with just a touch. Yeah, I know, don’t do anything stupid. But, damn it, hurry up, temper is steaming.



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