Flash Fiction: The Price

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PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll for Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers. Other stories featuring the prompt can be found here.


Hail to the dome that gives us life. Her beauty and fresh air we are in awe.
Water is sacred. Waste is death.
Breeding is for the chosen few. Sterilisation is a virtue.
Never step outside the sun rays, a beam of death. A place for exiled criminals.
No mercy to outsiders. They destroyed the land beyond.

The children chanted their morning prayers as they marched around in militant fashion. Chins up they honoured the heritage given to them by birth. Blood trickled and soaked the soil as they chanted the final line – “No one to live over the age of 30”.


    1. Believe it or no I never heard of Logan’s Run. Looked it up on Wiki. A reminder that story concepts are universal according to Jung’s psychological theory.

      Thanks J!


  1. I like the idea of worshipping/praying to the dome. Get it ingrained in their heads before they ever know what it means. I think you nailed it with 30. Everything after that, completely superfluous.

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  2. What a great way to describe the society with that prayer. I don’t know Logan’s run either and now want to see it. I think stories about totalitarian societies have many things in common. Fear for life and of the ‘other’, scapegoats (and here we are: it’s the Boomer’s faults) and brutal methods of enforcing the rules (made by the priviledged who are exempt, of course). We’re right on track, it seems.

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