Flash Fiction: Doorways

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PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot for Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers. Other stories featuring the prompt can be found here.

She panted, the shadows gained ground on her. Which door to take? Left or right. Did it even matter? Chills traveled down her spine, hair stood on end. Freaked, she bolted to the nearest door and threw her weight. Doorways acted as portals. In her mind, she visualised the warm country town she grew up in. Home. In a blink she traveled, leaving the shadows behind.

The air cold and musty. Wait. This isn’t the seaside cottage.

She stepped down towards the cellar, dodging chains and hooks.

Oh Damn. Why did she read Bluebeard before bed? He clung to her subconscious and waited.


      1. If I’m not mistaken, they’re original purpose was to scare kids, warnings against whatever behavior was featured in the story. Disney’s scary enough. They can soften the fairytales.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Quite plausible. Another theory is there wasn’t really a distinction between adults and children as we understand it, entertainment was entertainment. The Victorian changed views and fairytales remodelled for kids. Pretty sure Brothers Grimm published multiple versions of some tales because the first was too horrific… Ah Disney, a nightmare of a different kind 😀.

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  1. The door

    How many times
    had she been tempted
    to cast aside the bonds
    of common sense?
    That door barred the way
    to freedom in the world she knew.
    Last night’s dishes sat in the sink
    in an act of defiance
    while the bed remained unmade.
    So many things she had valued
    but now denied in anger
    and frustration.
    The door was locked
    against the outside world
    and the reality it presented.
    Days no longer owned a name,
    measured only by night and day
    in the endless, sameness of incarceration.
    The mailbox crammed with mysteries
    guarded now by something they called Corona.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Now she knows that’s how it works she can pick what to read and end up exactly where she wants to be. I’d choose Tarzan, I’d love to push through a door and find myself swinging through the jungle. Imaginative piece that got me thinkning, well done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d sure with practice she would have a lot of fun. Must admit its a great concept and I’m jealous, imagine going any where – Hogwarts here I come. 😀

      Thanks M


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