Flash Fiction: The Man in the Window

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PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers. Other stories featuring the prompt can be found here.

“Mummy there’s a man in the window.”

“It’s your imagination sweetie. Remember what your doctor said.”

Violet shrugged and stretched. The legs on the ladder vivid in her view. The medication promised to fix that. She turned her attention to her breakfast. Several bites and pills later, she glanced at the window – empty. Violet sighed with relief and went about her day without incident. 

The moon shone bright into Violet’s room. She woke with dry mouth and tip-toed to the kitchen for water. The ladder rested against the window. Her heart pounded and she sprinted into her mother’s room. Two naked bodies, tangled between the sheets and muffed giggles ignored her. The curtains flapped with the wind against the the top of the ladder. 


    1. That’s pretty much it. I remember when I was a small child in the 80s there was a fad of mothers giving children cough medicine before bed so the adults could have peace. I recall being lined up with other kids and Mum refusing to let me be drugged. Of course at the time I felt left out haha.

      Thanks L

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      1. Goodness. My kids were all born in the 70’s, and I know moms who put sugar or honey on their pacifiers to get them to sleep. I thought that was setting them up for bad habits later, and never did it. Cough medicine? No way!

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  1. Very well written, Tannille. I enjoyed your craft even as I deplored the content. As so many have said, that’s a woman who shouldn’t be a parent. I regret to say, though, that despite this, I sniggered…

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