Flash Fiction: Perseus Saves the Day

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PHOTO PROMPT © Susan Rouchard for Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers. Other stories featuring the prompt can be found here.

“Naughty chair, now.”

“But mum —”

Her mother gave her “the look”.

Medusa had nothing on her mother. Maybe Perseus would come to save her? Something her father failed to do.

She yearned for her old bedroom with pretty pink walls and matching white furniture.

Biting her lip, Tina turned and complied as her mother cracked open a wine bottle.

They didn’t have much, but they had books. Tina picked up a worn classic from the secondhand bookshelf and snuggled into the plastic outdoor chair they picked up from the verge. She opened the pages and made her escape. Perseus saved her… again.


  1. Greek mythology creeps into all our lives, particularly in quiz shows on UK TV, yet it perplexes me as to why. Why are people drawn to such ancient tales about Greek Gods and semi-gods? Women with snakes for hair and half-beast-half humans? Perhaps I need a good book, like Tina to absorb the knowledge.

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    1. I hear you. I’m not sure why Greek mythology is more popular than the other mythologies. My best guess is that there are many tales. Celtic, Norse and others were lost to Christianity, and only echos remain. Also, the Greek gods are inserted into Western culture. Athena is seen as justice in courthouses. Doctors still swear an oath to Apollo (not directly). Some of our words are borrowed from mythology, such as hygiene. Greek gods are accessible and like us. In the end, some of us just love fantasy.

      Thanks, J

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