Wherefore Art Thou The Muse: Because Some Days The Muse Likes to Stonewall

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Image by The Machine — Leonardo.ai

The writer stared at the blinking cursor. Days passed, and The Muse failed to show up for their dates. The writer fought the urge to bang her head against the keyboard.

“Why are you ghosting me?”

“You ignored me first, Wench.”

“Life got in the way.”

The Muse snorted.

“Throw me a bone or something,” begged the writer.

“Ok. Don’t be a muse-tease. Play with me daily, or I will leave you frustrated.”

Agreeing to the demands, the writer-muse relationship was restored. The writer’s sanity returned… mostly.

Writers, indulge your muse often. The fickle entity needs consistent wooing.


The Muse makes a return. She is an established character who often turns up in Tannille’s stories. On occasion, she has been known to whore herself out and inspire other writers! What a groupie! Mostly, she is a smartarse and gives Tannille the shits. It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

The Muse hopes your days are filled with passion and inspiration.

See the playlist to sample The Muse’s snark. There is plenty more to come. She can’t be gagged.

The Muse likes her ego stroked, leave a comment and she'll do the same... unless there is a glitch... or human error...